announced that Pandya will join the squad during the knockout stages of the ongoing 50-over domestic tournament, provided the team qualifies. "He will play from the knockouts; he has informed us," ...
which will be attended by its former president and erstwhile IPL chairman Chirayu Amin and former India cricketer Kiran More, among others. A limited number of tickets, priced at Rs 100, have been put ...
"He will play from the knockouts; he has informed us," Kiran More, a member of the Cricket Improvement Committee (CIC) of the BCA, was quoted saying by Cricbuzz. National T20 Cricket Tournament: ...
Siddharth Mallya, Mukesh Ambani , Preity Zinta and Nita Ambani watching the ICC cricket world cup semifinal match between India and Pakistan in Mohali. This year’s Cricket Power List highlights ...
This exquisite 1792 miniature painting believed to be the earliest visual depiction of cricket in India—a moment of historical and cultural significance captured with meticulous detail and artistry ...