在编程圈,大家总是在效率和性能之间摇摆。一边是像 Python、Ruby 这样的高级语言,写起来简单高效;另一边是 C 这种硬核语言,性能强但开发成本高。按理说,现在都流行用高级语言,谁还会回头去写 C?但有个开发者,干了 20 年 Ruby on ...
Wellington speech and language therapist Christian Wright talks about children and lisps. What is a lisp, and when should a ...
It would be an understatement to say the web has come a long way in the 40 years since the Symbolics registration. It’s now ...
How an ice cream innovator in Somerville influenced Lisp pioneers at the MIT AI Lab­—and made a lasting mark on programming.
Designed by Hartmut Graw, the LispDeck is a Handheld Lisp computer built around the Teensy 4.1 microcontroller for Lisp programming on the go. It features a dual-screen setup with a 5-inch touchscreen ...
Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world ...
This compiler translates a minimal set of LISP primitives to x86_64 assembly code. It requires a assembler/compiler that accepts intel syntax to create a executable. Any compiled program requires a ...
Let the good times roll.
The term ``Lisp reader'' refers not to you, the reader of this book, nor to some person reading Lisp code, but specifically to a Lisp procedure, namely the function read, which reads characters from ...