Australia Backpacker Central, a labour hire company (ABC Labour), has successfully recruited and mobilised 28 workers from Papua New Guinea to work in Australia’s horticulture sector.
Minister Mirisim had asserted that the claim that the Connect PNG Program is contributing to increased crime rates is not ...
Papua New Guinea's Parliament has approved a legislative amendment extending the grace period for a motion of no confidence. The revised law now mandates an 18-month interval after an unsuccessful ...
Here, mining was the exception, where men and women saw similar wage trends. These findings highlight structural inequalities in PNG’s labour market, where access to formal sector employment remains ...
Labour overtakes Reform after Starmer’s defence spending boost, latest poll reveals - Labour retakes the lead in weekly tracker poll during a crucial week form Keir Starmer ...
Given below is the dialing procedure to call Papua New Guinea From Australia. You will find information on how to make an international call from Australia to Papua New Guinea fixed line number or ...
The Devpolicy Blog is based at the Development Policy Centre, Crawford School of Public Policy, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University.
Language, literacy, numeracy, and digital training is now being offered to those taking part in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme ...
BOW VALLEY – Overall demand for labour throughout the Bow Valley is trending downwards for the last six months, while the number of jobseekers has largely been increasing, according to the Job ...