Launching ceremony of 9th ACTCM Barge, LSAM 23 (Yard 133) was held on 31 Jan 25 at M/s Suryadipta Projects Pvt Ltd, Thane. Chief Guest for the launching Ceremony was Cmde R Anand, AGM (COM)/ ND (Mbi).
The Americans also lead the world in submarine warfare with a current force of 51 nuclear attack submarines and fourteen SSBNs or nuclear powered ballistic missile carrying subs. Eventually there will ...
The submarine was destroyed by its own torpedo, which slammed into the port side while launching an attack on a Japanese ...
No tastier way to launch into March. Meet the Torpedo IPA Pack, anchored by the iconic Torpedo Extra IPA and three more hop giants: Cold Torpedo IPA – Intensely hopped yet ultra crisp Atomic ...