This is a great time to expand your vision to new heights. When you step into innovation, you can see how to merge the future with the present by thinking outside the box. Shift your reality by ...
Working on everything but your work? As the moon and Venus clash, you follow inspiration at the expense of productivity. Fortunately, your boss may not mind! Your positive attitude boosts office ...
You’re used to looking outward and engaging with other people, but as mental Mercury dips into Capricorn and your sensitive fourth house today, your attention will go within. Tune in to your own ...
Be yourself, Libra. You deserve to live on your terms, but that begins when you show up as your real self. Instead of fitting into a relationship, stand in your own space and become aware of who ...
The transit Mars is in Cancer, and the fullmoon also will rise in the same sign, and it will impact the tenth house, which will bring a lot of responsibilities at work. This is a complex energy ...