Following the launch of LifeArc’s £100 million programme, Chronic Respiratory Infection Translational Challenge (CRI TC) – for the acceleration of the development of new clinical solutions to ...
A new year means a new Fierce Biotech Fundraising Tracker to record the significant amounts of venture capital being funneled into the industry. We're maintaining the criteria we used for last ...
(伦敦23日讯)科学家发现,金色拉布拉多犬乔迪(Jodie)是一只拥有特殊力量的狗,能够嗅出并识别特定的细菌,很快就能在帮助研究人员开发一项让狗透过嗅觉,找出感染危险微生物个体的过程中发挥关键作用。英国《卫报》报导,该计划由伦敦帝国学院(Imperi ...