Bay Venues community centres and halls manager Piers Zajac-Wiggett said in addition to the new council-funded AEDs in Welcome Bay, three new AEDs have been installed by Bay Venues at the Bethlehem ...
The AED at Welcome Bay Community Centre (situated behind the Welcome Bay Hall) is one of three new AEDs installed in the Tauranga suburb. Councillor Hautapu Baker (from left) with Sonia Anderson ...
PLANS are under way to draft a by-law to make it compulsory for the automatedexternal defibrillator (AED) to be installedin public places in Penang. State Health Committee chairman Dr Afif ...
Currently she is in the process of adding portable x-ray and imaging machines to its product lineup and setting up a separate CPR/AED Training Center with the introduction of Defibtech Lifeline ...