2 To help answer such questions, researchers are now looking beyond genetics to the use of proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics in precision medicine. These approaches rely on up or down ...
With the advent of omics technologies like transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, and lipidomics, our understanding of molecular pathways of toxic environmental pollutants has deepened.
Helsinki Metabolomics Center is a mass spectrometry-based metabolomics analytical services (metabolomics, lipidomics and fluxomics/isotope tracing) providing core facility. Member of the Biocenter ...
Mass spectrometry (MS)-based omics technologies have revolutionized our understanding of molecular changes in organisms and are crucial for studying metabolism and related diseases through lipidomics ...
The UPLC has enabled a four-fold increase in in the number of samples that can be analyzed per day for metabolomics and has generated a notable increase in precision of this type of analysis. In ...
Ion mobility/mass spectrometry has tremendous potential for metabolomics, lipidomics, and clinical analysis. Ion mobility can resolve compounds unresolved by LC/MS/MS, provide additional structural ...
Unparallel gains in compound ID confidence in metabolomics and lipidomics The ZenoTOF 7600 tackles the grand challenge of compound ID in metabolomics and lipidomics head-on by generating uniquely ...
Welcome to Helsinki University Lipidomics Unit (HiLIPID) – Research Infrastructure of HiLIFE – Helsinki Institute of Life Science and Biocenter Finland. HiLIPID service laboratory is located at the ...
The SCIEX 7600 ZenoTOF is particularly powerful for comprehensive and targeted proteomics, lipidomics and metabolomics. The combination of M5 Microflow LC and Exion UPLC with the new mass spectrometer ...