微软近期为其Microsoft 365企业版及商务版客户带来了两款全新的应用——People(人员)和File Search(文件搜索),这两款应用专为Windows 11任务栏设计,旨在为企业用户提供更加便捷的人员查找与文件搜索体验。
微软近日在官方渠道宣布,其Microsoft 365平台迎来了两款全新生产力工具的测试邀请,这两款工具分别名为People和File Search,旨在进一步提升用户的办公效率。
IT之家 3 月 22 日消息,微软公司昨日(3 月 21 日)发布博文,邀请 Microsoft 365 用户,测试最新上线的 People 和 File Search 两款生产力应用。 People:高效管理联系人 People ...
The best people search finders allow you to search public databases of information to help you track down long lost friends and family members. These services can also be used to reverse search ...
People search finder services use public databases to help you find long lost friends or family members, and as the name suggests, the best free people search finders help you search without ...