Banana Fish is an anime adaptation of Akimi Yoshida’s manga of the same name. The plot of this anime revolves around a feud between the Mafia boss Dino and a young character named Ash Lynx. The story ...
Coming by way of Prime Gaming, Mafia: Definitive Edition is currently free to obtain. While this deal is only available to Amazon Prime members, which means that it’s not outright “free”, it ...
In The Grand Mafia, you live the ultimate mafioso life - you take care of the family business while hiring gangsters to do your bidding (when it comes to the shady stuff, of course). It's a great ...
Mafia: The Old Country is a current-gen-only title. That means it will arrive on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC. Last-gen consoles and the Switch will sadly not be supported. There is a possibility ...