It was the physical, marble embodiment of their values, of their beliefs, of their myths, of their ideologies. And it was thus as much a temple to Athens and the Athenians as it was to their ...
A centaur head and two more marble fragments taken from the Parthenon in the 17th century are among the most popular exhibits ...
From the roaring Dhuandhar Falls to the serene boat rides through marble valleys and the ancient Chausath Yogini Temple, Bhedaghat offers a unique and enchanting experience.
In its place, the Christians installed a pulpit and a marble bishop's throne, and the temple of Athena Parthenos became the church and later the Latin cathedral of Parthenos Maria, the Virgin Mary ...
The Temple is dedicated to Lord Vishnu (Narayan), the preserver and his consort Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth. Birla Mandir is constructed in the finest quality of white marble. The three huge ...