The latest model is the new 2020 McLaren GT — no numbers with that name, just two letters, G and T. It stands for Grand Touring (not gin and tonic) and implies that this latest McLaren supercar ...
This isn’t your average tow job! Watch as a tow truck operator carefully loads a McLaren GT while discovering a ...
近日,从海外媒体报道获悉,英国豪华品牌迈凯伦McLaren 在官网上正式发布全新迈凯伦 McLaren GTS车型。据悉,新车将取代即将停产的迈凯伦GT车型,并且将搭载4.0T V8双涡轮增压发动机,最大马力635匹,零百加速最快3.2秒。 外观方面,全新迈凯伦 McLaren GTS依旧延续了迈凯伦 GT 车型的基本外观架构,前脸依旧配备楔形头灯灯组与造型犀利的进气口相搭配,同时大尺寸的前挡风玻 ...
Your message was sent. You'll receive a response shortly. The 2022 McLaren GT is available in 1 trim levels: The 2022 McLaren GT offers up to 15 MPG in city driving and 22 MPG on the highway.
But I genuinely cannot remember one quite as hardcore and factually awesome as the McLaren Solus GT. In short, it’s a one-seater, V10 track special that makes the Senna look straight-up pedestrian.
Now, to confuse matters further, Novitec has enhanced the performance, lowered the ride height and added more carbonfibre to the McLaren GT... In standard form the GT’s twin-turbocharged 4-litre ...
McLaren GT, the racing arm of McLaren, initially showed the 12C GT Sprint back in July as a less hardcore version of the brand's other track-only offerings, although it did so with only a limited ...