China touted its robotics advancements through a fleet of dancing humanoid robots at a festival in Beijing. Dozens of ...
From warehouse sorting robots to delivery drones, Viettel Post is pinning its hopes on tech as the salve to an inefficient ...
Researchers tested whether one person could command a robot swarm of drones and ground vehicles in complex missions.
The Chinese military showcased soldiers using exoskeletons for logistics. Though their effectiveness is unclear, they could ...
The 'robot blood' system has been refined for higher battery capacity and power density to support the new robotic forms.
A 10-second clip showcases futuristic unmanned warfare where a robotic dog and drone engage in an enthralling battle.
When you think of tracked robots, you might think of bomb disposal robots or others used in military applications. You probably haven’t seen anything quite like this, however—it’s a ...
Scientists with DARPA are trying to find ways to biohack human cells to create soldiers that can withstand disease better.
A team of university students in Pakistan has developed an AI-driven defense robot equipped with a high-powered laser gun.
Here’s What You Need to Know: It could be 10 to 15 years before successful autonomous engagement is developed. (This article first appeared in December 2020.) The Russian military recently revived..
France-based nuclear start-up Naarea (Nuclear Abundant Affordable Resourceful Energy for All) has announced a partnership ...