Former Democratic presidential candidate and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders will be joined by United States Rep. Alexandria ...
3月17日消息,Crew-10任务的乘组已于昨日成功抵达国际空间站。根据最新安排,Crew-9任务的载人“龙”飞船将提前一天返回地球。此次调整使得已经在空间站停留超过9个月的两名美国宇航员苏尼•威廉姆斯和布奇•威尔莫尔得以顺利返回。他们将与尼克•海格 ...
Sony Mobile (previously known as Sony Ericsson Mobile) is a subsidiary of the electronics giant Sony Corporation. The company's Xperia range that started off with Windows Mobile OS has moved to ...
Founded in a garage in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne, Apple began as a personal computer pioneer that today makes everything from laptops to portable media players. Headquartered ...