Click below under the 'Online/Self-Paced Materials' tab to register and gain access: Often in research it is important to look at what factors (usually more than one) are associated with, or predict a ...
PLS is a predictive technique that is an alternative to ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, canonical correlation, or structural equation modeling, and it is particularly useful when predictor ...
A ML application that predicts student math scores using demographic and academic data. Features automated data processing, model training, and a user-friendly web interface for real-time predictions.
18 The mediation variable may explain part or all of the relationship between the IV and DV. This can be tested within mediation analysis, enabling a greater understanding of the pathways between the ...
Does technological innovation have a moderating ... an empirical analysis on the relationship between population aging, technological innovation and industrial differentiation, and conducts ...
The variance inflation factors of all independent variables were less than 10, and there was no multicollinearity. Table 3. Regression analysis of mediating model of social support. According to the ...
The regression analysis ... using IBM SPSS V.23.0 for Windows. Descriptive statistics, such as percentages, numbers, means and SDs, were used to describe demographic and treatment characteristics as ...
Said, S. (2025) The Impact of Capital Structure on Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from Egypt. Open Access Library Journal, 12, 1-16. doi: 10.4236/oalib.1112839 .