The device even dropped to just $300 in the Black Friday sale in 2024. The Motorola G84 5G packs a vivid pOLED screen and dual cameras on a budget. (Image via Motorola) Coming to more budget ...
Motorola has revealed the 2025 Moto G and Moto G Power budget smartphones. At $200, the Moto G is definitely wallet-friendly (and arguably better than your typical hand-me-downs), while the Power ...
If you're thinking about making the leap from your NBN plan to 5G home internet (and the potential power that it holds), then you've come to the right place. If you live in an eligible 5G internet ...
Before long, it should also arrive at Best Buy, Amazon, and various US carriers. Motorola's Moto G Series offers solid price-performance ratios. This makes options like the Moto G Power 5G (2024) and ...
Motorola's Moto G phones represent the company's budget line in contrast to the foldable Moto Razr and Razr+, but based on last year's Moto G Power 5G, they're a solid option if you're willing to ...