More information: Zixuan Wang et al, Direct lysine dimethylation of IRF3 by the methyltransferase SMYD3 attenuates antiviral innate immunity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2025 ...
At the core of this pathway is cGAS-dependent production of the intra- and extra-cellular messenger cGAMP, which activates STING and leads to IRF3-dependent expression of cytokines and interferons.
This study provides important insights into the regulation of type-I interferon signaling and anti-tumor immunity, demonstrating that ORMDL3 promotes RIG-I degradation to suppress immune responses.
Cell adhesion to fibrillin-1: identification of an Arg-Gly-Asp-dependent synergy region and a heparin-binding site that regulates focal adhesion formation.
这项研究揭示了赖氨酸甲基转移酶SMYD3在调节抗先天免疫中的作用,并为影响其激活的IRF3的调节机制提供了新的见解。 狂犬病(RABV)是丽莎属的 ...
除供应人丝切蛋白1检测试剂盒外,上海康朗生物科技有限公司还可为您提供:β-淀粉酶,9000-91-3、干扰素调节因子3(IRF3)重组蛋白 、山奈酚-3-鼠李糖苷,482-39-3 康朗生物ELISA试剂盒货号KL-CFL1-Hu报价含票含运吗? 康朗生物货号KL-CFL1-Hu货期是多久? 康朗生物人丝 ...