Forecasting is studiously apolitical by design, as weather is one of life’s great equalizers. The rain falls on the just and ...
眼下的浏览器竞争,正在变成一场围绕AI的竞争。按照StatCounter的数据,桌面端浏览器中,微软Edge浏览器的市场份额于2023年12月超过苹果公司Safari,仅次于Chrome,成为了全球份额第二的浏览器。显然,不少用户在为了Copilot ...
The National Housing Corporation (NHC) has announced plans to develop at least 2,820 affordable housing units under a public-private partnership (PPP) arrangement.
Thousands of lives would definitely be at risk with cuts to the workforce to the National Hurricane Center,” LSU Health ...
Layoffs last week at NOAA’s Office of Aircraft Operations, home of the NOAA Hurricane Hunters, threaten to reduce the quality ...