Mangla is a 2025 Indian movie directed by Aparana S Hosing starring Shivali Parab, Shashank Shende and Alka Kubal. The feature film is produced by Aparana S Hosing, Yashna Murli, Mohan Poojary and ...
We’ve all watched classic old movies that are indisputably great, but aren’t much fun. These old movies easily stand the test of time. Alfred Hitchcock’s crackling thriller stars Cary Grant as T.R.
The Marathi movie 'Devmanus' featuring Mahesh Manjrekar and Renuka Shahane, directed by Tejas Deoskar, will hit theatres on April 25. Produced by Luv Ranjan's Luv Films, it explores deep emotions ...
And yet the movie is still a pleasure ... Sue Lyon, 15 when the film premiered, plays the 12-year-old title character with dignity and verve, selling us on the awful tragedy of her situation ...
Every frame is beautiful. Psycho will rid you of any ideas that old movies are stodgy and dull. It’s a very juicy thriller from the jump: Janet Leigh’s Marion Crane is a good girl gone bad who steals ...
The next time a CGI movie makes you sigh with its lack of style and verve, you'll feel especially awed by The General, a silent black and white movie masterpiece that pretty much epitomes the ...
Nilesh Naik's Marathi film 'Dwidha' explores the dilemma of a mother deciding whether to give birth in the US for citizenship or in India. The film stars Satish Pulekar will play the lead role in ...
In 1900's San Francisco, a white woman is murdered in Chinatown and the suspect is a Chinese man. The murder causes a social shock and the public calls for Chinatown to be outlawed. Chinese medicine ...