The presence of a pericardial friction rub on the heart exam is a highly specific finding for pericarditis. A pericardial ...
The clinical diagnosis of acute pericarditis is based on simple criteria: typical chest pain, pericardial friction rub (Figure 2), widespread ST-segment elevation (Figure 3) and pericardial ...
Viral pericarditis or myocarditis are associated ... may cause hemodynamic compromise and cardiac tamponade. Physical exam findings of cardiac tamponade include sinus tachycardia, elevated jugular ...
Pericarditis: Inflammation of the pericardium ... Fungal or Parasitic: Though less common, they can also cause inflammation. Physical Exam: Checking for abnormal heart sounds, fluid retention ...
Pericarditis may be caused by infectious or noninfectious noxa. Most cases are labeled as 'idiopathic' because the traditional diagnostic approach often fails to identify the etiology. Most ...