As with all fertilizers, it’s best not to use sourdough starter on your plants more than once a month. This will keep your ...
Will making a shallow application of 10-34-0 provide corn plants with sufficient phosphorus during early growth stages when corn is planted in cool soils with a soil Bray P1 of 35+ ppm? Ken Ferrie and ...
Potted Plants & More. Makes a great starter fertilizer too! THE PREMIER ALL SEASON LIQUID LAWN FERTILIZER TRUSTED BY LAWN CARE PROFESSIONALS FOR 10+ YEARS TO: make your lawn grow greener and ...
(Note: If a FurrowJet application isn’t an option, a popup/in-furrow application directly above or below the seed can be used in its place.) Use a 2x2 starter fertilizer application (2" over and ...
University of Delaware N recommendations are based on a realistic yield goal. For corn, consider split applications of N fertilizer by applying pre-plant manure and starter fertilizers and ...