Gill Punt, a Brit­ish woman, broke a world record by running a frigid Norwegian mar­athon in 4 hours, 58 minutes, and 29 seconds while dressed as a polar bear. Punt, a 54-year-old teacher from ...
When putting on the costume, the wearer should have someone present to ensure it fits and is worn properly. That person should inspect the suit and check that: Do not add any clothing or accessories ...
Ms Punt said she originally decided to wear the polar bear suit as it is the mascot for the cancer charity. Earlier in her race career though, she has held the world record for the fastest ...
Big Oil and the state of Alaska brought a suit challenging the polar bear's critical habitat decision — forcing the Fish and Wildlife Service to rethink its landmark designation — but in February 2016 ...
There isn’t anything quite like a dip into the frigid waters of the Atlantic Ocean on a winter afternoon and thousands of ...