Federal Minister for Health Syed Mustafa Kamal said on Sunday that polio eradication remained a national priority, adding that achieving a polio-free Pakistan required a “modern, integrated ...
Polio has emerged as a major challenge in Pakistan. It is not simply a challenge in the health sector, but has also become both a security and political issue. It has been reported that 74 polio cases ...
Post-polio syndrome (PPS) affects between 25% and 40% of polio survivors years after the initial infection. It’s characterized by new weakening in muscles previously affected by polio, as well ...
A more affordable, lower-risk polio vaccine is on the horizon, research has found. A more affordable, lower-risk polio vaccine is on the horizon, research led by the University of Leeds has found.
According to an official of the Regional Reference Laboratory for Polio Era­d­i­cation, the case has been reported from Larkana, Sindh. The official said that the victim is a 54-month-old girl.
20 x 30 in. (50.8 x 76.2 cm.) ...
A significant change occurred following the Second World War, with the development of antibiotics and vaccines for the treatment and prevention of everything from polio to measles, mumps, and ...
36 x 27 in. (91.4 x 68.6 cm.) ...
The Regional Reference Laboratory for Polio Eradication at the National Institute of Health has confirmed a polio case from District Thatta, Sindh, marking the fourth such case in the province and ...
A little girl who swallowed a drawing pin died after weeks of agony because of botched medical care. An operation on five-year-old Phoebe Birdseye successfully removed the pin. But several doctors ...
Feb 24 (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has reaffirmed its $500 million pledge to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), the World Health Organization said on Monday. The funds, initially pledged ...