Mandya: Mandya police opened fire at an accused who was charging at the police team, to arrest him at Karighatta in Srirangapatna, Mandya on Wednesday.
00 Crore. Company has reported net profit after tax of Rs .07 Crore in latest quarter.The company’s top management includes Mr.Amit Balkrishan Ghume, Mrs.Santosh Rani, Mr.Madhu Neeleshkumar Lahoti, Mr ...
Covered in Warranty Warranty is non-transferrable, Valid only in the territory of India and extended only to the first end user customer, Warranty will be valid only when the original purchase invoice ...
*Take necessary precautions while giving money or product in advance. *Take necessary precautions while giving money or product in advance. What is the highest market price of Ragi (Finger Millet) ...