Hotel operator Accor has achieved a sustainability milestone with more than 200 of its Australian and New Zealand hotels ...
Meet Katy, a very young female Kororā who was most likely hit by a boat propeller from a recreation craft near Thames. Her ...
Accor, the largest hotel operator in Australia and New Zealand, has reached a significant milestone in its sustainability ...
In a city awash with world-class hiking and biking trails, plus geothermal spectacles, it doesn’t take long to work up an ...
法国 雅高酒店集团 近日宣布,其在澳大利亚和新西兰(ANZ)的200多家酒店现已获得生态认证,这一成就占公司区域品牌组合的50%以上。这一进展与雅高的全球目标一致,即到2026年在其全球品牌组合中实现全面的生态认证。
Artist’s impression of the West Coast Penguin Encounter (Photo/Supplied) Situated outside the award-winning West Coast Wildlife Centre, a Qualmark Gold-rated facility in the heart of Franz Josef, the ...
海克斯康OPTIV ADVANCE PLUS/F影像测量仪 三丰Mitutoyo影像仪 手动工作台影像测量仪 QS-L/AFC 三丰Mitutoyo影像仪 2D彩色影像测量仪 QI 三丰Mitutoyo影像仪 配备白光干涉仪的影像测量仪 QVWLI Pro 三丰Mitutoyo影像仪 大型CNC影像测量仪 QV ACCEL 三丰Mitutoyo影像仪 配备细微形状扫描测 ...
臭氧老化箱—JH—工业级材料老化试验机 耐候检测设备-厂家定制 专业级臭氧老化试验箱 JH-精准模拟老化环境 耐臭氧试验机 松恕臭氧紫外老化综合试验机SS-6200UV 松恕经济型臭氧试验机SS-6200A 松恕耐臭氧试验机SS-6200AH 安徽邦仪耐臭氧老化试验箱 高铁检测仪器 ...