Royal Canadian Navy sailors dressed in the new Naval Enhanced Combat Uniform. Did you know the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) is getting a new operational dress uniform? The current uniform, known as the ...
Understand the anatomy of the knee and how to assess knee pain. This is a Self-assessment article and comes with a self-assessment test ...
(4 hours per week) Throughout the pre-clerkship phase, the Physicians, Patients and Populations (PPP) courses develop physician-patient knowledge and competencies related to clinical skills. PPP ...
The AARP Skills Builder for Work SM helps you gain in-demand skills that could give you an edge in today’s competitive job market. Choose a FREE course to get started and get special discounts on all ...
NHS staff are working harder than ever to get services back on track, to get waiting lists down and consistently deliver the best care. We know change is needed. But we also know that many of the ...
Our contemporary training is founded on the scientist-practitioner model where clinical skills and interventions are considered on the basis of available scientific evidence and knowledge. Learn from ...
Read about a report by the University Alliance and University of Derby on the enablers and barriers to delivering healthcare ...
A clinical trial is one that involves human participants and seeks to answer specific questions about a type of medical intervention. This can be a drug or other type of treatment, such as nutritional ...
In a vibrant learning environment, the Newcastle MBBS programme develops doctors with a local, national and global outlook with the skills to work in any specialty anywhere in the world, in both the ...
General practice nurses (GPNs) have warned of a ‘deprofessionalisation agenda’ against them as some practices favour ‘tick ...