Shraddha was spotted by the paparazzi earlier today, but what caught the attention of netizens, was her phone wallpaper as she was heading out of an eatery. She was dressed in a casual baby pink ...
Another week, another set of awesome Android wallpapers for you to share! Remember that we are always looking for submissions from our readers. Head to the bottom of this article to find out how ...
A California law outlawed the ingredient at foods served in public schools. Red Dye No. 40, a synthetic food dye that's used to achieve a bright crimson color in condiments and candy alike ...
The US Food and Drug Administration has banned the use of red dye No. 3 in food, beverages and ingested drugs, more than 30 years after scientists discovered links to cancer in animals ...
Made from petroleum, red dye 40 is a synthetic food dye. Some studies suggest a link between red dye 40 and ADHD behavior; the dye might trigger or exacerbate behavioral changes in sensitive children.
An infestation of the pests can be a nightmare to deal with but experts have shared some tell tale signs to look out for. And the first sign that should set alarm bells ringing that the critters are ...