The land around the River Spey is really good for growing crops ... river makes using farm machinery easier. CONNOR: Crops and animals need water too and the river has plenty of that.
A new population of critically endangered freshwater pearl mussels has been found on a River Spey tributary. They were found by a graduate on a Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) placement scheme who ...
including areas where these animals have been extinct for hundreds of years. Two kits were recently born in the upper River Spey catchment in the Cairngorms, a Scottish mountain range. This made ...
A detailed study has found that almost 90% of the embankment running along the upper River Spey is in good condition, while highlighting areas in need of close attention.
The pair were born to two of the six families relocated to the upper River Spey catchment as part of ... create wetlands for other animals, improve water quality and even boost local tourism.