A £1m fund to investigate the sources of pollution in the River Wye has been jointly announced by the Welsh and UK ...
The river, which runs for 130 miles from central Wales to the Severn Estuary has seen its water quality and wildlife ...
Seitlholo conducted a two-day oversight visit to key water bodies, including Blesbokspruit Wetlands near Springs, Ekurhuleni, ...
Water and Sanitation Deputy Minister Sello Seitlholo has called on stakeholders to join hands with the department and its entities in addressing water pollution.This includes collaboration in the ...
A £1m fund to investigate the sources of pollution in the River Wye has been jointly announced by the Welsh and UK ...
The Welsh and UK governments have announced a new £1 million research fund to tackle water quality in the river Wye.
With 17 river stretches polluted and tourism adding to the burden, the Karnataka government banned the sale of soaps and ...
A new deal on addressing pollution in the river Wye will for the first time bring governments on both sides of the English-Welsh border ...
An additional £1m to tackle water quality issues in the River Wye have been made available by the Welsh and UK governments ...
Catherine Fookes has praised a £1 million joint UK-Welsh Government initiative to address River Wye pollution.
The $228 million plant is in addition to $1 billion in sewer infrastructure projects planned in Suffolk in the next three years, County Executive Edward P. Romaine said.
Currently, Delhi takes water from the Yamuna and returns sewage to it. Now it must take water and also return water to the ...