If it looks like a dog, walks like a dog, and barks like a dog, it's a robot built to spy on real dogs by making those dogs trust it so much they don't realize their entire lives are being recorded.
Unitree’s Go2 robot dog has leaped technology showcases to the theatrical stage, making its debut in the off-Broadway play The Robot, the Spy, and the Love of AI. This eccentric production ...
Unitree Go1, a popular consumer-grade robot dog, contains a pre-installed and undocumented remote access tunnel service, ...
In a park in the Beijing Economic-Technological Development Area in southeastern Beijing, two robotic dogs performing patrol duties have captured the attention of many passersby. These gray and ...
Luna is a robot dog that learns and adapts like humans The robot dog has a functional digital nervous system Future humanoid robots could be used in space, deep seas STOCKHOLM, March 19 (Reuters ...
A woman drowned her dog in a Florida airport bathroom and then boarded her international flight after she was prevented from bringing the white miniature schnauzer with her because of a paperwork ...