The prosecution in the case of 53-year-old anime producer Kouichirou Itou, who was arrested in late February 2024 for allegedly soliciting a 15-year-old high school girl for nude photos, recommended ...
Artificial intelligence continues to provide innovations across the aeronautic and robotics industries. Recent developments involving integrated AI-powered strain receptors could make it possible to ...
A Nebraska company has developed a pioneering robot called a Grain Weevil that can do everything in a grain bin a human with a shovel might need to ...
Lionsgate announced the 4K UHD releases of "Jackie Brown" and "Kill Bill Vol. 1" and "Vol. 2" on Monday. The films come to 4K UHD on Jan. 21, including Steelbook editions.
The robot itself measures about 3.1 inches tall, so it should be able to fit underneath most furniture and beds, and its chassis can raise itself to more easily get on carpets and over thresholds.