This occurs at the shoulder joint during an overarm tennis serve or cricket bowl. Rotation – this is where the limb turns round its long axis, like using a screw driver. This occurs in the hip ...
Correspondence to J Kettunen, Unit for Sports and Exercise Medicine, Mannerheimintie 17, FIN-00250 Helsinki, Finland. Objectives—To study factors associated with passive hip rotation range of motion ...
Circumduction – this is where the limb moves in a circle. This occurs at the shoulder joint during an overarm tennis serve. Rotation – this is where the limb moves in a circular movement ...
The Rams made it to the divisional round in the 2024 playoffs, giving the Eagles their biggest scare of the entire postseason.
By restoring external rotation to the shoulder through joint mobilization, stretching and proper rehabilitative techniques, the patient’s chances of regaining shoulder elevation without ...