Credit card and loan interest deduction Check your credit card statements for potential self-employment tax deductions. What you can deduct: Interest accrued on purchases that were business expenses.
you receive either from a job or self-employment. Because the EITC is a refundable credit, it can lower the amount of taxes that you owe. The EITC can result in a tax refund after you file your ...
CLEVELAND — Ohio is investing heavily to develop the state's film and theatre industries in 2025, spreading over $30 million in tax incentives across more than a dozen projects statewide.
The Ohio Department of Development announced Friday that 14 film and television projects have been awarded more than $26 million in tax credits. The list includes three feature films — “Arnie ...
The Self-Employed Tax Credit (SETC) is a golden opportunity for freelancers, independent contractors, and small business owners to save significantly on their taxes. With potential savings of up to ...
What is the Earned Income Tax Credit? The earned income tax credit (EITC) is a federal tax break for low- and moderate-income workers with or without children. Also known as the earned income ...
Find out what's new for residents of Saskatchewan for 2023 and get help completing your Saskatchewan tax and credits form Worksheet SK428 - Saskatchewan Calculate some of the amounts to report on your ...
The Goldwater Institute is filing litigation against state officials to block Arizona's new tax incentives for film production, claiming the credits violate the state constitution. This week ...
Read our guide to learn about how much you can save with the federal solar tax credit in 2024. The federal tax credit covers 30% of a consumer’s total solar system cost, which means you could ...