This is how Otto, a beloved two-year-old cat from Galway, was found safe and sound after being missing for 12 days, during which time he survived Storm Éowyn and untold other adventures – before he ...
The Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 is the company's most ambitious, productivity-centric smartphone yet. This phone is a little bit slimmer than its predecessor when unfolded and the overall weight is a bit ...
At any time, about 15 cats from the rescue group Princeton's Meow are at each of the cafes, and nearly 1,900 have been adopted by patrons over the past eight years, said owner and "lead cat ...
A SCOTTISH council leader has intervened after a cat was banned from a town’s local Co-op supermarket. Locals have been outraged after Mo the cat – who has been described as a “local legend” and a ...
The cats returning to Arizona are long-term residents of the Lovejoy Foundation. Bringing them back gets them in front of a new group of adopters and frees up space for the countless animals displaced ...