Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde, who heads the ruling Shiv Sena, on Thursday warned the Shiv Sena (UBT) that if it does not stop criticising his party and the Mahayuti, then the Uddhav ...
Deputy Chief Minister Eknath Shinde hailed his faction's win in the Maharashtra assembly polls, declaring it as the ...
Shiv Sena chief Ekanth Shinde warned Shiv Sena (UBT) saying if it did not stop criticising his party, the Sena (UBT) would be left with only 2 out of 20 MLAs ...
Ruling Shiv Sena leader Rahul Shewale on Monday claimed that 10 to 15 MLAs from the opposition Congress and Shiv Sena (UBT) ...
Last week, five Shiv Sena (UBT) corporators Vishal Dhanawade, Bala Oswal, Sangeeta Thosar, Pallavi Jawale and Prachi Alhat ...
Shiv Sena is expanding to other states following requests from supporters of Balasaheb Thackeray's ideologies. Eknath Shinde ...
Mumbai: With not enough numbers to secure the Leader of the Opposition's (LoP) post for any one party, the Maha Vikas Aghadi ...
Shiv Sena, a prominent political party in India, primarily based in the state of Maharashtra, has undergone significant transformations and faced internal strife. Founded in 1966 by Bal Thackeray, it ...
In the recently held assembly polls, the ruling Mahayuti alliance of BJP, Shiv Sena and NCP won 230 of the state's 288 seats, ...
The Sena for Shark Bluetooth single unit has an RRP of £169.99, while the duo comes in at £299.99. The Mesh system is priced ...