There is a robust global market for shark fins in particular to meet the demand for shark fin soup. Shark fin soup is a popular (and pricey) dish in some East Asian societies, prized as a symbol of ...
Replacing the fin with vegan and vegetarian substitutes has been shown to be no loss to the taste of the dish, as demonstrated recently when a chef at a Californian restaurant served a soup made with ...
For over a decade, AWI has provided an online database of restaurants in the United States that continue to serve shark fin soup. The goal is to help people avoid such establishments and to call ...
Mohamad Yar and his friend at shop 69, Fida Hussain, say "hotel people" come early morning to stock up for the day's shark dishes in their restaurants - fin soup and such like. Some days ...
Hongkongers should give up shark fin soup and tell others that these creatures ... Older people really prize it as being a special dish for a special occasion. So they probably feel annoyed ...
routinely process thousands of frozen shark fins a day to service the growing international demand for shark-fin soup. Once a delicacy, the dish is increasingly popular with China’s growing middle ...
“People consume shark’s fin soup mostly during weddings ... Despite a growing number of people that are choosing not to serve this dish, it is still a popular dish that implies status without ...
Campaigns against shark's fin soup have led many to believe that fisheries targeting sharks for their fins are the main (and only) threat to the animal. However, from surveys conducted at ...