Hyderabad: A nine-year-old boy died after allegedly falling off the fifth floor of a building while flying kites in Kushaiguda on Sunday evening. He has been has been identified as Aryan Chidrup ...
Lily Winward, 19, of Ulladulla, said she was flying back on Etihad Airways from an athletics competition in Athens in September when the flight stopped for a layover in the United Arab Emirates.
Ahmedabad: Amraiwadi police on Friday arrested three persons — Asifkhan Pathan (26), a resident of Gomtipur, Tufail Ansari (30), a resident of the Raj.
Q: Is Kites Flop or Hit? A: The performance of Kites was Flop. Q: What is the overall Box Office Collection of Kites? A: No Data Found.. Q: What is the Day 1 Box Office Collection of Kites?