After a terrifying storm destroys their home, a speedy sloth named Laura and her kooky family move to the big city in their rusted old food truck, hoping to make their business a success. The family’s ...
Looking for a massage gun but not sure which one to get? These are our top picks, based on cost, design, size and more. I'm a Fitness & Nutrition writer for CNET who enjoys reviewing the latest ...
Sloths were not always slow-moving, furry tree-dwellers. Their prehistoric ancestors were huge — up to four tonnes — and when startled, they brandished immense claws. For a long time ...
Information about homicides is released daily by the city of Chicago. The release of homicide victims’ names is delayed by two weeks to allow time for the victims’ families to be notified of a ...
Self-contained shotgun shells made breechloaders and repeating actions feasible and sparked innovation in gun design. Three types of shotgun actions emerged as long-lasting favorites: break ...
Prime Minister Milojko Spajić said that the government may try to impose a total ban on weapons “because we must ask ourselves after this who should be allowed to have guns in Montenegro.” ...
The shooting has caused shock waves in Montenegro, a small Balkan country on the Adriatic Sea, home to some 620,000 people, that has long had a strong gun culture but relatively few mass shootings.