Despite the problems the cold can cause for farmers, gardeners, and homeowners, a cold winter can be a welcome event from a pest management perspective.
Termites, cockroaches, and other soil dwelling insects, help to break down plant debris. Flies, beetles, and moths, help to decompose dead animals. Dung beetles are critical for the decomposition ...
She never expected to find herself eavesdropping on beetle grubs living in the soil, much less to be planning a project she now calls Underground Twitter. Görres, an ecologist at Hochschule Geisenheim ...
He said: "Pests are an unavoidable part of gardening, but there are plenty of ways to protect your plants, and your hard work ...
It wipes out the vast majority of soil pests so well that when it was introduced, farmers practically abandoned all other options. They simply inject the gas 30 to 60 centimeters below the soil ...
Nasturtiums can also be used to suppress weeds and control pests on melon vines, but that’s not the only reason to try out ...
Sucking insects infesting papaya leaves How do I get rid of the white spots on my plant? Chia Teck Wah. The white masses ...