The human Stone Age was, undeniably, the first step on a journey towards the species total technological dominance – but it didn’t have to be. After all, pick a rock that’s too soft, or too wonky, and ...
About 8,500 years ago, a 5'6" man with size 11 feet walked along the Severn Estuary at 2.6 miles per hour carrying a heavy load on his right shoulder. Archaeologists deduced all this from a series of ...
The Stone Age societies at Gesher Benot Ya’akov knew their environment better than modern humans and had different technologies and practices for hunting and for the collection and processing of ...
Perhaps hoping to gain the blessing of the stone-age hunter-gatherers that dwelt along the east coast 30,000 years ago, visitors to the Baxian Caves (八仙洞) during the 1970s would grab a handful of soil ...
The Ushikawa finding means that the Hamakita remains from Hamamatsu--estimated to be 17,000 to 22,000 years old with dating technology--are the sole known human remains from the Old Stone Age ...
Challenging brainteasers can help enhance thinking and IQ. A picture puzzle depicts Stone Age humans, one of whom is a time traveler. Observers need to identify this individual within five seconds ...