A new research has found the perfect time to take a nap. The study revealed an oddly specific time when you should take some shut-eye to feel refreshed. Do you love taking naps? If you love taking ...
LONDON -- A hotel guest in the Netherlands got the surprise of their life when they returned to their hotel room and discovered a seal taking a nap in their room, according to authorities.
Study says to take a nap when you hit a dead end and can't seem to solve a problem. You'll wake up with your answer. Solving a complex problem can feel like repeatedly hitting an invisible barrier.
Do you love taking naps? If you love taking naps in the afternoon during a hectic workday to wake up feeling relaxed, you must have wondered what is the optimum time to take some shut-eye.
A simple way to sharpen your cognition and memory is also an enjoyable one: Take a nap. Research shows that napping can not only take the edge off a night of inadequate sleep but also boost our ...
ATLANTA, GA — According to a survey conducted by Talk Research and commissioned by Avocado Green Mattress, the best time to take a nap is 1:42 in the afternoon and it matters for how long ...
Sadly, as we get older, naps become an occasional luxury instead of a daily requirement, and work, chores, and life take precedence over some afternoon shut-eye. But it turns out naps are more ...
The survey of 2,000 general population Americans revealed just before a quarter to two is respondents’ ideal time to take a snooze. They believe the perfect nap should last 51 minutes, ...
It’s an hour or two after lunch, and you’re fading fast. You’d love nothing more than to snuggle under the covers and take a long, deep sleep, but you’ve got to be awake, alert and on fire for a 4 p.m ...