Ensure that you provide variety in what you do in your teaching and the learning opportunities you provide to cater for a large range of students. Laurillard’s different learning types and the ...
If the instructor choses a different teaching method, such as a traditional lecture, students would need to process the lecture’s content and apply principles simultaneously. This is very difficult to ...
Whether you’re preparing for future academic roles or seeking to strengthen your teaching practice, this program provides the tools and resources to make an impact in and beyond the classroom.
or a series of theoretical principles followed by application) NOTE: a concept map or graphic representation of the topics can help you organize content. Keep the scope of the content manageable and ...
The principles and techniques are developed ... The clips are drawn from video excerpts included in Participant-Centered Learning and the Case Method: A DVD Case Teaching Tool (HBSP, 2003).
Why are grading principles and practices important? To “grade” students’ work is among ... Grading practices are steeped in traditions, influenced by policies and linked to the context of teaching ...