Nothing can ruins your day more thoroughly than a crappy wifi signal that slows your entire life to a crawl filled with error messages, broken images, and tedious ...
Not all homes will distribute Wi-Fi signal equally. The fact is, where you place the router can hugely affect your wireless coverage. It may seem logical to have the router inside a cabinet and ...
head to the wireless category, and select one manually (ideally, one that isn't in use by many networks in your area). Run another speed test to see if that provides a better signal and faster ...
Find out more about how we test, analyze, and rate ... are great for eliminating specific dead spots, for giving your Wi-Fi signal a little more range to reach that far room or giving your ...
Antennas like those tend to put out their Wi-Fi signal at a perpendicular angle ... and ability to show your speed test history. We also use Ookla to test all our routers. If your household ...
A weak Wi-Fi signal is like the ultimate buzzkill ... Still, dealing with sluggish WiFi after trying everything? Time to put your connection to the test. Visit to see how fast ...
Remember, just like your phone or laptop, your mesh extenders need to connect wirelessly with the main router in your setup. And if that back corner is a dead zone for your phone or laptop, then it'll ...
We test how well the extender or mesh system copes with different multimedia devices ... A wi-fi extender (or wi-fi booster) is used to amplify and repeat the wireless signal from your router to ...