Researchers from Johns Hopkins University said chimps know when humans are struggling with puzzles and tell them the answers.
Picture writing the numbers 1 to 5 in a horizontal line, from smallest to largest. Where did you put 1? If you placed 1 on ...
Apes can intuit another’s ignorance, an ability thought to be uniquely human. When apes know their partners are ignorant, ...
New work led by Roza Kamiloglu, a psychologist at the Free University of Amsterdam, provides evidence that there are just two primary types of laughter: one generated when people find something funny ...
An experiment shows that bonobos can understand when a human lacks knowledge and point them in the right direction ...
Chimps can recognize ignorance in humans, reveals new research. Bonobos have the "ape-titude" to tell when a person doesn't ...
Researchers have convincing evidence that bonobos really can read human minds and use the knowledge to communicate in order ...
A first-of-its-kind study suggests bonobos, like humans, can understand someone else’s lack of knowledge—and adjust their ...