The male bird measures about 2.2 inches in length, which is around the same length as an AA battery. It weighs around 0.06 ounces, about the weight of a single raisin.
Adult button quails are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, and chicks are even smaller. This ground-dwelling ...
In pursuit of the world’s smallest bird, we’ve come to the backyard of a flamingo pink house in Palpite, Cuba. Ornithologist Christopher Clark has a car full of gear to unload: cameras ...
White-necked jacobin hummingbirds are common in Central and South America. Male birds have shimmering blue and green feathers, while females tend to sport low-key green plumage. The tropical ...
The smallest bird in the grouse family, the white-tailed ptarmigan is also one of the few animals that lives on alpine mountaintops throughout its entire life. Every part of this ptarmigan is adapted ...
Some of our favorite birds are on their way back to spend the warmer months with us. I’ve always been impressed that our smallest birds — ruby-throated hummingbird, blue-grey gnatcatcher and ...
This male, with his orange head and white wing bars, is the smallest bird not only in Ireland but in all of Europe. It normally prefers conifer woodlands, so you were honoured to be visited in ...