A leaked video from the film’s set recently went viral on social media. It shows Salman stepping out of a kaali-peeli taxi in a rugged look, wearing a blue shirt and jeans. The shoot took place in ...
Ke Huy Quan, 54, Stanley Tucci, 64, Jason Alexander, 65, and Giancarlo Esposito, 66, star in a film about a war between AI and humans, with voices of Woody Harrelson, 63, as the robot Mr. Peanut and ...
"It's like you're sitting in the middle of the orchestra." In the silent film days, live music always accompanied movies, and movies were events. "Over the years, theaters got smaller," said Steve ...
Kumiko Yamaguchi aka Yankumi, oversees the new students of Class 3D of Akado High School. Her class is full of delinquents, but she tries her hardest to teach them not just about Mathematics, but ...