COLLAR成员许轶(Day)、沈贞巧(Gao)和陈泳伽(Winka)以一身健康肤色出席《CHILL CLUB 推介榜年度推介24/25》记者会,她们解释因在新加坡拍团综要不断落海,所以晒黑。Winka有份角逐「CHILL ...
任达华又指香港电影也要懂得求变,除了动作也要有人性化的内容,对于有戏院再结业,任达华认为是时代的变迁,现在很多观众不再看大电影,改以手机或平板睇戏,但香港人最识得变,既然科技发达就要适应,不要停下来,要引导大家去睇,「多变是香港的特色,靭性代表香港, ...
was not an indication that the batteries would be permanently deployed in the Philippines. The Philippine side said that it would return the Typhon system to the US so long as China stops claiming its ...
Editor's note: Decision Makers is a global platform for decision makers to share their insights on events shaping today's world. Analisa Low is the ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to ...