And she explains the whole story from departure until the death of Titanic on its first and last voyage April 15th, 1912 at 2:20 in the morning.
Unhappily married and uncomfortable with life among the British upper crust, Julia Sturges takes her two children and boards the RMS Titanic for America. Her husband, Richard, also arranges ...
The "Titanic" PCP incident is one of the longest-running mysteries in movie history. The unredacted police report may finally ...
Along with much of the sprawling cast and crew, the film's two stars would ... ocean liner as "unsinkable." And then the movie opened. When Titanic finally made it to theaters in December, 1997 ...
More than 1,500 of the 2,240 passengers and crew on board lost their lives in the tragedy, which was the basis of the 1997 film Titanic. The White Star Line steamship was built by Harland & Wolff ...
The Titanic hit an iceberg and sank in 1912 during its maiden voyage from England to New York with 2,224 passengers and crew on board. More than 1,500 people died. It was found in 1985 and remains ...