The gyaru subculture originated in Shibuya, Tokyo in the 1990s as a reaction to the "good girl" standards expected of Japanese women at the time. Gyaru are known for being: Cheerful, Loud, Strong, ...
As a result, pop culture is habitually paying lip service rather than helping the actual cause. Lack of knowledge on the part of the consumer is the usual suspect. Heed the disclaimer while reading on ...
Girls’ Frontline 2: Exilium is a gacha game from developer Sunborn, and you can use redeem codes to get free resources and rewards in the game. When you’re not on the battlefield gunning down ...
In an exclusive chat with Pinkvilla, Russell Howard shared his excitement about performing in India for the first time, explaining how he plans to mix old material with new observations inspired by ...
A Silent Voice director Naoko Yamada talks to us about her latest animation The Colors Within, a vibrant coming-of-age film about a band of teen misfits.
The natives of these zodiac signs are natural entertainers. They have the ability to make any get-together more fun with their playful nature and spontaneity.