Intel, often referred to as "Chipzilla," has identified five distinct issues affecting the new CPU line, claiming that a microcode update would introduce further optimizations via updated firmware ...
In response, Intel released a new microcode update, designated “0x114,” to address multiple core issues identified in their “Field Update.” However, early testing suggests these fixes may ...
While the underlying issues inherent in the platform have already been addressed, Intel promised additional gains through a BIOS update accompanying the 0x114 microcode and updated CSME firmware ...
The 0x114 microcode, introduced as part of a broader ... For now, Arrow Lake-S consumers are left awaiting further updates as Intel works to reestablish confidence in its desktop CPU offerings.
At the time of writing, the only model that has the BIOS update listed on the website is the MEG Z890 ACE under the name of “7E22v1A41,” which incorporates Intel’s 0x114 microcode and updated CSME ...
Over the last few months, rumors have swirled regarding multiple potential Intel acquisitions. The latest report out of SemiAccurate, however, claims a new potential buyer (or buyers) have emerged.